Reiki Sessions

Nurture Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Virtual and in-person sessions available.

Reiki is a gentle Japanese healing technique used to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. As we move through life, energy can become stuck and stagnant promoting injuries or a feeling of imbalance. Reiki encourages energy to flow freely, removing energy blockages to support healing. Clients have experienced many positive benefits of Reiki including pain reduction and elimination, recovery from illness and injury, deep relaxation, feelings of peace and bliss, and physical, mental, emotional and energetic healing.

Reiki is performed in a quiet setting with the client lying fully clothed on a treatment table. Sessions include a series of hand placements designed to balance and align energy and encourage energy to flow freely. Personalized Reiki sessions are a great way to relax, reduce stress, improve mental and physical health, and provide an overall better sense of well-being. Each session is tailored to your individual needs and can focus on a particular injury or illness.

Not able to make it in for a session, schedule a distance Reiki session. Distance Reiki is just as effective as an in-person session, experience all the positive benefits of Reiki from the comfort of your home. 

Sessions are 60 minutes and are offered virtually and in Sarasota, FL and Glastonbury, CT.


Single session - $90.00
3 session package - $255.00 (packages expire 1 year from the purchase date)

Begin your Reiki journey, contact Melissa to schedule your session by clicking the button below!

Crystal healing, chakra healing and home clearing are also offered.

Reiki in Glastonbury, CT

Reiki Sessions at Fuller Yoga

Align and Balance


Single session - $110.00
3 session package - $315.00 (packages expire 1 year from the purchase date)

Fuller Yoga
39 New London Turnpike
Suite 301
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Reiki in Glastonbury, CT

Reiki Sessions in the Mondazzi Books Salt Room

Experience a Whole New Level of Relaxation
Surround yourself with Himalayan salt and allow the healing to begin.

Enjoy the amazing benefits of Reiki in a Himalayan salt room! The salt room walls and floor are lined with salt bricks that saturate the air with trace minerals and negative ions providing a relaxing, rejuvenating experience with limitless health benefits! Himalayan salt has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that help to improve the immune system, lungs and skin. After a Reiki session in the salt room, clients have experienced relief from allergies and respiratory issues, smoother skin, reduced blood pressure, improved sleep, and relaxation. 


Single session - $105.00
3 session package - $300.00 (packages expire 1 year from the purchase date)

Mondazzi Books
570 Hayden Station Road
Windsor, CT 06095

“I look forward to my weekly Reiki session with Melissa. It’s always the highlight of my week. I find I sleep so much better and I’m much more relaxed throughout the week. I also find that I can navigate the challenges of life with more ease. Reiki has been a tremendous tool on my healing journey.”

- Gigi